3 Things 1-04
Did You Know
Did you know that if your bank account isn’t a joint account nobody can access it after your death without going through the time (and money) consuming probate process? That means they can’t access any of the cash they might need in the immediate aftermath of your passing – even if they are your spouse or some other member of your immediate family.
So you might want to think about saving your loved ones from some unnecessary and avoidable stress by either creating joint ownership on your checking and/or savings accounts or changing the account type to TOD (transfer on death) with named transferees. Your banking representative will be familiar with this account type and the process for changing it.
Did You Know Again
Did you know that you should shop your property insurance (home and auto) regularly? You may be leaving money on the table by:
a) Not "bundling" to take advantage of the discounts offered to customers who purchase their home and auto insurance under one policy. (Note, even if you’re already doing this, you should periodically shop it to see if you’re getting the best deal)
b) Not taking advantage of the reductions in rates that periodically occur for a variety of actuarial reasons but aren’t necessarily disclosed or offered to current policyholders. These reductions are often quite significant.
It’s the beginning of the year. Set a reminder to shop your policies this year when they come up for renewal and be sure to check with us.
Thing Three
Just A Thought
"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” - Soren Kierkegaard
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