3 Things 1-13-25
Thing One From the archives… Some (Useful) Bias Training " It’s funny what a bull market can do to our brains. . . . Money earned...
3 Things 1-6-25
Thing One You and Your 401k The beginning of a new year is a great time to take a look at your retirement plans and make the...

3 Things 12-30-24
Happy New Year (In Two Days)! Thing One A Thought For The New Year The following is an excerpt from a book called, Personality Isn’t...

3 Things 12-23-24
Thing One Friedman's Four Things Explains Poor Public Anything Milton Friedman, a renowned economist and author once explained that...
3 Things 12-16-24
Thing One Making A Case For Bitcoin? While doing an interview about the virtues of bitcoin with Jim Cramer, Saifedean Ammous, the author...
3 Things 12-9-24
Thing One If It Sounds Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is I took an inquiry recently from someone who had been approached about a...

3 Things 12-2-24
Thing One The Fair Share Argument Gets Hit With Facts The following is excerpted from the Wall Street Journal without additional...
3 Things 11-25-24
Thing One High Income Earners Might Consider The Mega Backdoor Roth Excerpted from bankrate.com "...A mega backdoor Roth is a strategy...
3 Things 11-18-24
Thing One Investing 101 The following is "from the vault" of the writings of a good friend and very successful investor. From time to...

3 Things 11-11-24
Thing One The Benefits Of Human Advisors The following was taken from an article written several years ago for the Wall Street Journal...