3 Things 11-4-24
Thing One Our 401Ks Are Interested In The Election Too The following is an excerpt of an article recently published in the Wall Street...
3 Things 10-28-24
Thing One Do you need an umbrella insurance policy? Umbrella insurance isn't required by law but is most often purchased by people who...
3 Things 10-21-24
Thing One More On What To Do When Cash Yields Are Dropping In a recent post, we talked about the idea that with the Federal Reserve...
3 Things 10-14-24
Thing One The $300,000 Lunch It's too late for many of us to take full advantage of the magnificent power of compound interest, but we...
3 Things 10-7-24
Thing One Know Your Coverage In response to a question asked by a married couple about why their bank was still hounding them to make...
3 Things 9-30-24
Thing One Aha Moments While The Lights Were Out Hurricane Helene has come and gone now but my thoughts of her linger as the devastation...

3 Things 9-23-24
Thing One Three Charts As we alluded to last week, the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee did cut its federal funds rate by a half...
3 Things 9-16-24
Thing One A Matter Of Perspective As the Federal Reserve prepares to cut interest rates in anticipation of a softening economy (mainly...
3 Things 9-9-24
Thing One Building Wealth The following is from jimrohn.com. It's a blog post he wrote about building wealth called, "You Can Have...
3 Things 9-2-24
Thing One Investing 101 The following is "from the vault" of the writings of a good friend and very successful investor. From time to...